What is Love

Oh yes, I did at one time ask  girls do you love me, and I did asked my daughter do you love me. I told my wife I love her, the same thing I say to my two daughters, my good friend my nieces and I can recalled saying I love that song, movie, drink etc. this girl was telling me the other day how she love her pet puddle. My workmate from Guyana was asking me if I love cricket had to tell him nah. see nah is no for them. was reading this blog on WordPress this morning 10 things I love of Christmas.

how can this one word  have so many meaning? how can it be used so differently and in so many varying situation?  how can you LOVE your wife an also your work?  some thing seems wrong with either the meaning of this word or the way in which we use it, some one just don’t seems right. Do you really think the word have all those different meaning or do we really used it wrongly. lets hear from you.

do you think the confusion we have with relationship around the world is due partly to the confusion in defining the word love  and adopting a more refine usage for it. At present it seems like love mean different for man ,woman,child, pet,work mate,church, www. and the list can go on. what should it really be.